Complexity and Change Frameworks

Is the decision you are trying to reach or the change you are trying to make Simple, Complicated or Complex? At a basic changemaker level, this is the first question that we need to ask ourselves. So many change initiatives or managerial decisions fail because we have failed to accurately categorize the issue at hand. So we try to apply simple solutions to complicated situations, or we seek to apply best practice learning to Complex situations. When going about wanting to make a choice, decision or change, ask yourself first and foremost am I dealing with something Simple, Complicated or Complex? then apply the appropriate analysis or solution set.

Model 1 - The Cynefin Model

There are many models out there that can be helpful. One is the Cynefin framework. This framework is a decision-making model used in complex systems. It was developed by Dave Snowden and is used to help individuals and organizations navigate complex, uncertain, and ambiguous situations.

The framework consists of five domains: Simple, Complicated, Complex, Chaotic, and Disorder.

Each domain requires a different approach to decision-making and problem-solving, and the framework provides guidance on how to identify which domain a situation falls into and what approach to take. The Cynefin framework is widely used in fields such as knowledge management, organizational design, and cybersecurity.

Model 2 - The Iceberg Model of a System (see page)