A global learning and leading community for women who want to transform outdated systems of thought and action


Women Agents Of Change is a global, online learning community intent on transforming the status quo, and doing it with a sense of personal ease and inclusivity.

It is not a war, it is not a fight, but it is a matter of evolution.

What are you ready to transform for the better?


Our aspiration is to empower 100,000+ women to bring forth individual and collective change to the status quo of their contexts with relative ease, practical support and lasting impact.


Knowledge + Practice

Online Learning “Practicals”

We call our online learning offerings ‘practicals’ because we know that transformation only occurs when you are given the time to test new knowledge or mindsets in your day-to-day through practice and reflection.

Change Literacy

Our Change Resources Library

Free knowledge, tools, and referrals to other offerings that you can access a you need them. Our library is part of our commitment to democratizing access to the change enabling information that makes a difference.

Inclusive Support

Globally Connected Community

The WAOC Community of alumnae and friends is a way to connect with other women from around the globe who are committed to their own individual growth and the collective leadership success of women and girls.


“…For a long time I lived the life I thought I was supposed to live. Until I understood that I could surrender to the life that wants to be lived through me…”

- Parker Palmer